PLURIX - preliminary estimation of monthly payment
The full-screen calculator on this web page computes monthly payment for the services
of PLURIX Accounting Office in the FY'2017 basing on the estimated number of the
documents given by you below (please, remember, that every collation of the documents
"weights" as little as a single document only! It makes difference: one of our client has to pay
19,000 PLN instead of 4,000 PLN if we enter individual documents into books). Besides, we offer discounts to long-term clients.
General rules how to start using our services here
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(if you do not know a value - leave it empty: except 3 - TOTAL invoices). This form omits all "garbages" and checks the input a bit - but breaking it IS NOT a proof of your computer hacking literacy: we assume your will co-operate!